FW United F.C. Player and Parent Resources
Players and potential FW United F.C. players: here you'll find everything you need to know about our club and to play for our club.
tuition assistance
- For any club-wide fundraisers or those that involve FW United administration, we will retain 10% of the credit received from your fundraising efforts. These funds are put to the Fort Wayne United Scholarship Fund.
- Any credit accrued on your account may only be used towards future player fees. We make every attempt to have the credit applied before the current month’s player fees are due, but that is not always possible. After a fundraiser finishes, please allow up to 4 weeks for the credit to show on your account.
- Any fundraising credit remaining in your account when exiting from the club for any reason (i.e. “age out” or quit) will be automatically transferred to the Fort Wayne United Scholarship Fund.
FWU Script Program
What is SCRIP? For those who are unfamiliar with the concept of SCRIP, click on this link which provides insight into SCRIP in general.
If you are not currently taking advantage of the FWUnited FC Scrip fundraising program, NOW is the time to do so! FWUFC utilizes the online program ShopWithScrip.com. You simply log onto your account (once you have set it up initially) and start ordering. It does not get any easier than this for you to raise funds towards your player fees! You may order SCRIP from your PC, tablet or smartphone… anytime…anywhere... With some retailers, you are even able to instantly reload cards you already have or purchase and print gift cards– allowing for more immediate use.
Log on to www.raiseright.com and click on “register.”
Click on the “join a scrip program.”
Contact Trishp@fwunitedfc.com for enrollment code
Fill out all questions and click “register.” It will ask you 2 security questions. THESE ARE CASE SENSITIVE ANSWERS!
Go to your “dashboard,” under “family functions,” and under presto pay. This is where you will enter your bank information so that any SCRIP you purchase will come straight out of that account.
Once you have entered your general information, SCRIP will send you a code via text message or phone call to confirm it is you. Once the code is entered, you will need to ADD A BANK ACCOUNT FOR ONLINE PAYMENTS. There are 2 options at this point: 1.) Instant setup (click on your bank and proceed). It will ask you to sign into your bank account and your bank will send you a confirmation code. 2.) If your bank is not shown, you will need to sign up manually. In this case, SCRIP will deposit 2 small amounts into your account and you will need to follow the instructions given. Any SCRIP that you order will come straight out of this bank account. An email notification of your approval will be sent to Fort Wayne United administration.
All orders have a .15 fee, whether you are ordering 1 or 100 cards. Once your banking information is confirmed, you are ready to start shopping…and saving money on your players’ fees!
SCRIP Policies and Procedures
SCRIP orders (for “physical” cards) are placed every other Wednesday. With the availability of RELOAD NOW and SCRIP NOW, retailers are getting away from the plastic cards. These cards are then available for pickup at The Plex North office during regular business hours. If you aren’t sure if your physical scrip cards have been ordered, feel free to contact our office (260) 496-9999 x523.
To cover our expenses (shipping, administration, etc), FW United will retain 10% of the rebates received from your scrip purchases. These funds are put to the Fort Wayne United Scholarship Fund.
Any credit accrued on your account may only be used towards future player fees. Credit from the previous month is typically applied to your account sometime between the 3rd and 15th of the following month. For example, if you accumulated $12.50 of scrip credit during the month of November, a credit of $11.25 (after 10% admin fee) will show up on your account between the 3rd and 15th of December. We make every attempt to have the credit applied before the current month’s player fees are due, but that is not always possible.
Any scrip credit remaining in your account when exiting from the club for any reason (i.e. “age out” or quit) will be automatically transferred to the FW United Scholarship Fund.
There are multiple options for receiving the SCRIP you order:
SCRIPNOW (preferred method of ordering) – By far the easiest and quickest method for ordering and receiving your SCRIP. Many vendors offer eCards which are downloaded to your account in minutes. You will then show your eCard on your phone at the designated retail location. Simple.
RELOAD / RELOADNOW - When you already have a physical card, some retailers allow you to reload those cards. If vendor indicates “RELOAD” next to their name, any amount you order will be added to that card overnight (for orders placed before 3:30 pm EST, Mon-Fri). If it indicates “RELOADNOW”, your funds are AVAILABLE WITHIN MINUTES!
PHYSICAL (slowest turnaround time)- There are still some retailers who do not yet offer reloads. In these instances, the card will need to be physically mailed to our pickup location (Plex North). The turnaround time on these orders is two weeks or less. We place an order every other week. Orders placed by Tuesday at 7pm (on an “ordering week”) will be available no later than the following Monday at noon. You will then need to stop by and pick up your cards at your convenience.
Questions? Contact Trish Poursanidis at 2604969999
Community Hero Program
Become a Community Hero
The Fort Wayne United Futbol Club is seeking community heroes, such as yourself, to invest in our community and specifically our youth. Your donation provides opportunities for talented young players with the skill, desire and passion for the game of soccer. Donations to the Community Hero program provide scholarship dollars to athletes in financial need. Program dollars are used to subsidize costs of the Fort Wayne United travel soccer youth athletic programs, making our high level coaching program accessible to all.
Our youth program strives to foster a child’s technical, tactical, psychological, and physical talents as they progress through all stages of player development. The objective is to provide every player the greatest opportunity to develop their soccer skills as well as important life skills such as discipline, sportsmanship and teamwork. This task is accomplished by providing training with experienced and qualified coaches who have a passion for the game and the enthusiasm to motivate players to reach their full potential.
You are receiving this application because one of our youth players has requested assistance in reducing their fees for the travel soccer program. Your donation will go directly to reducing the fees of the player who requested your support. In return, Fort Wayne United FC will provide the advertising benefits below.
Community Hero Advertising Package ($500 donation)
- 1 year advertising contract with The Plex North and South
- Yard signage at our 2 largest event fundraisers of the year (Puma Cup and Shoot for a Cure)
- Logo on the Fort Wayne United FC Website with link (www.fwunitedfc.com)
- Logo on The Plex website with link (www.plexsports.com)
- Literature distribution at The Plex North and South for 1 year
(You provide promotional literature to distribute)
If you are interested in this worthwhile program, please fill out the form below and give it to the player/family who offered you this opportunity to submit towards their fees. A Fort Wayne United representative will contact you to get started.
Fort Wayne United Scholarship Information
Please read through the information below in order to determine if you qualify.
With limited funding available, Fort Wayne United FC takes numerous factors into account when determining eligibility. These include, but are not limited to:
- Did this player receive aid in the previous season? If so, were volunteer hours completed?
- Are there special circumstances that are contributing to the need for Financial Assistance?
- Was the request received before August 15th? The majority of the fund for the year has been distributed by this date.
- Where do they fall in relation to the U.S. Federal Poverty guideline for household income which is used to determine financial eligibility for certain federal programs. While we do not adhere to these numbers specifically, they do provide a starting point. Below are the 2019 numbers:
2 | $19,720 |
3 | $24,860 |
4 | $30,000 |
5 | $35,140 |
6 | $40,280 |
7 | $47,420 |
8 | $50,560 |
9 and above | Add $5,140 for each addt’l |
*FW United FC will not accept requests for Financial Assistance in households with a combined income above $60,000.00 (regardless of the number in the household) unless there are special circumstances detailed.
If you are eligible for consideration, please follow the instructions for completing the Financial Assistance application. All requests will be reviewed by the committee and you will be informed of a decision within 3 weeks. Despite the limited resources, it is our wish to help as many people as possible!
Financial Aid Procedures:
- Accept your player’s position on the team by signing up in Got Soccer and paying the initial deposit of $300. If financial aid is granted, your monthly payments will be adjusted from Aug through April.
NOTE: Your player MUST first be registered and the deposit paid in order to reserve his or her position on the team and be considered for financial aid. - Send your tax return (from both parents if they did not file jointly) from the previous year to Nancy at nancy@fwunitedfc.com. These forms MUST be turned in for financial aid consideration.
- You will be contacted once a determination is made. Payments will be adjusted before your payment plan begins on August 15th.
If you have any question please e-mail: nancy@fwunitedfc.com
Program Guides
Girls Elite Guide
Boys Elite Guide
Academy Guide
Junior Academy Guide
Select Guide
Club Policies
Soccer is an exciting, fast moving and fun game. While healthy competition is encouraged, coaches, players and fans should remember that the objective is to have fun and learn the game of soccer. It is important to our soccer program that all participants conduct themselves in a positive and responsible manner.
Fort Wayne United FC believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coaches, the referees and the opposing players as well as the importance of winning vs. losing are of paramount importance. Inappropriate comments or actions by adults bent on short-term success rather than the long range benefits undermines the essence of competition and introduces stresses to children that are counter-productive.
Please take the time to go over the Player Code of Conduct on the following page with your athlete. Before doing so, however, we hope you will spend time reviewing the Parent Code of Conduct which details our expectations from parents/guardians. As adults, we have the important job of teaching and mentoring today’s youth. They look to us (especially to parents) for direction and learn from watching our behavior. We know you take this job very seriously in “everyday” life…we ask that you take it equally seriously in the sports world; specifically at all Fort Wayne United games that you attend. At training sessions (an extremely important piece of player development) we ask that you eliminate pressure and allow players to train stress free by not sitting on the sidelines, but away from the field.
- Review the Fort Wayne United Parent and Player Code of Ethics.
- Become familiar with the Club web site.
- Please be on time when picking up kids after trainings.
- It is your responsibility to arrange transportation for your child to all trainings and competition.
- If a player is unable to make their scheduled training it is their responsibility to contact the coach and let them know immediately.
- Parents will be asked to participate in volunteering for the club.
- Weather Conditions: In the event we have to cancel trainings or competition due to weather, club administration will communicate with you. We will also have information on the club web site.
As a Fort Wayne United Parent, we ask that you conduct yourselves in a manner outlined by the following Code of Conduct:
- Focus on praise and encouragement rather than on criticism and negative comments.
- Applaud good play, regardless of team. Nothing is better than seeing a child smile from recognition. Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship.
- Remember that every player on the team is a contributing player. Soccer is a team sport; without each player, there is no team. Acknowledge that players are at various levels in this sport and will make mistakes, possibly at critical times, in competition. Be patient and supportive through these times.
- Attempt to reduce the pressure of competition, not increase it. A child is easily affected by outside influences. Parents should remember this is a “learning experience” for players and support this experience.
- Be kind and respectful to our coaches. Parents need to support the coach and his/her decisions and refrain from verbal criticism. Remember, the coach makes the final decision regarding players on the field. 24 hour rule: If a parent has questions about their child’s playing time or an issue stemming from a game, we ask that you allow 24 hours to lapse before initiating contact with the coach.
- Do not publicly question the referee’s judgment. Please remember, many of these referees are young adults learning how to referee the game, so please treat them with respect. They are there to do an honest job which few others are willing to undertake.
- NEVER enter the field to speak with a referee. Speak to your coach or a club official at another time if you have a concern.
- Keep in mind that coaching is NOT a science and that all coaches will make decisions that are popular and unpopular. However, we believe that every member of the Fort Wayne United Coaching Staff acts with the best intentions and with the best interest of each and every player. You may not agree with every decision they make, but please respect that decision.
- No parent is to coach or attempt to coach their child (or any other players) during club trainings and/or competition. Refrain from talking to players during trainings or games. The players need to concentrate on the game and listen to their coach.
- Accept the results of the game. Encourage your child to be a good sport in victory and in defeat. Many times a player will not remember the results of a game an hour later but they will remember how they felt because of their own (and your) actions.
- Only sit in designated areas around the field. The only acceptable area is the sideline on the opposite side of the field from the coaches and players. Sitting along either end line or with the coaches and players is not allowed. This is for your own safety and the safety of the players.
- Treat other fans, coaches, players, and officials with respect, regardless of race, sex, or ability.
- Drinking, smoking, foul language and firearms are not allowed around the fields during games or practices.
We believe we have the best fans around! But we must remind everyone that Fort Wayne United FC will not tolerate behavior which brings the Club, our teams, or the game itself into disrepute. Violations of either Code of Conduct are taken seriously and could result in removal from the fields and/or sanctions at the sole discretion of the Director of Coaching and Club Administration.
- I will play for fun and enjoyment of the game.
- I will work hard to improve my soccer skills.
- I will be a team player, get along with and cooperate with my coaches and teammates.
- I will always be a good sport.
- I will respect my coaches, teammates, parents, opponents, and referees.
- I will not argue with the referee.
- I will not use any profanity at practices or during games.
- I will not, under any circumstances, participate in physical violence or threats of physical violence before, during or after any game or practice.
- I will not use alcohol or illegal drugs.
- I will obey the laws of the game and play within the spirit of those laws.
- I commit to Fort Wayne United trainings and competition and it takes precedence as primary. Players are to notify the Coach in case of emergencies and or important family matters when missing a training or competition.
- I will treat all facilities with respect before, during and after trainings and or competition.
- Parents and Players should not be disrespectful to any Fort Wayne United Staff member in a derogatory or disrespectful manner.
- Parents are not allowed on the training field or sideline during trainings and or competition.
- No parent is to coach or attempt to coach their child or any other player during any club trainings or competition.
- Parents are asked to not discuss the play of any athlete other than their child.
- Parents and Players are not allowed to discuss playing time during the competition. This does not mean they can never discuss this topic but it is not the right place or time to do this during competition. Please schedule a time with the coach to discuss this or any other concerns you may have. This will allow the coach to stay organized so the trainings can run smoothly. This will also allow the coach to prepare for the meeting.
- Drugs and Alcohol: Any member of Fort Wayne United who is caught with any form of drugs or alcohol before, during or after any club event will be suspended until further notice. Player-Parent-Coach-Club Director will schedule a meeting for disciplinary action.
The following points outline basic Club policies. Please note: Upon committing to play for Fort Wayne United FC, you have agreed to the club policies outlined below, so please keep a copy for your reference. Feel free to contact FW United Administration if you have any questions or would like additional details. We are here to assist!
When you accept a position on a Fort Wayne United FC team, a $300 non-refundable deposit is required. This will be subtracted from the total player fee due (if choosing the monthly payment plan). It will be part of the total registration fee if paying in full.
Once registered, you are committed to pay the entire player registration fee on or before April 15th. Unfortunately, if the fee is not paid in full by that date the player will be unable to start with outdoor trainings and Spring league games. Should player fees fall more than 2 months behind at any time, that player will be suspended until all payments are up-to-date.
If a player decides to quit: Payment must be made in full per the payment structure. No refunds will be given due to the comprehensive nature of the program. A meeting will be held to determine if the player is eligible to be released.
If a player is injured: If the injury is short term (3 months or less), no REFUND will be provided. If the injury is long term (more than 3 months) medical proof must be provided and a meeting will be held to determine a possible credit for the following season. Please reach out to FW United Administration as quickly as possible.